Wild Garlic, Czosnek Niedzwiedzi 50g
Wild garlic has all the properties of common garlic, but it exceeds it in terms of sulfur compounds. It positively affects the cardiovascular and digestive systems, and also helps to fight viruses, bacteria or Candid albicans, which is responsible for mycoses.
Wild garlic, also known as Bear garlic or Witch’s onion, is an invaluable source of Adenosine, an organic compound responsible for important biochemical changes in the body. Adenosine has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, preventing arrhythmias in cholesterol levels and also fights cancer.
Wild garlic produces 20 times more nutrition than its common brother. It contains a number of active substances, including essential oils, the most important ingredient is active sulfur, which plays an important role in the metabolic process. It produces extremely powerful enzymes, which detoxify and removes heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and all toxic compounds from the body.
Wild garlic has seven times more active sulfur compounds than the common species. It is a source of Vitamins A and C, along with easily digestible iron (30% more than garlic), and a range of flavonoids, saponins, rich in enzymes and amino acids, manganese and antibiotic dialysis compounds.
Wild garlic prevents blood platelets from sticking together, thins blood, and improves blood circulation in blood vessels. It contains aline derivatives, preventing atherosclerosis and lowering blood pressure. The herb is also used in the treatment of thrombotic inflammation of deep veins and anemia. It is a great remedy for detoxification of the body and cleansing of upper respiratory drugs (especially recommended for smokers because it produces mucus in the bronchi). It is also great for the elimination of parasites, especially the population of thrush in the digestive tract, and more. Wild garlic is used for the treatment of headaches and tinnitus. It is also used to regenerate the intestinal bacterial flora after antibiotic treatments.
Wild garlic also supports digestion, and when added to other dishes, it effectively eliminates unfavorable compounds contained in highly processed products. After grinding, the taste and smell are very similar to traditional garlic, although wild garlic does not leave an unpleasant smell for long hours. Wild garlic is good for pork, lamb, game and fish dishes. When dried, it perfectly enriches the aroma and lard of sausages, hams and pates. It was fresh and sauce soon. It is best to add at the end of the cooking session, because too much heat causes the loss of valuable medicinal properties.